
We're almost ready to launch!

The tiny.ERP project was born in 2022 when the first lines of code were written, and we started building from scratch a system ERP for a client. In the meantime, the project grew and developed to the point where we decided to develop it as our own product.

By doing a more thorough research on what the Romanian market offers and not only, we came to the conclusion that we have developed a revolutionary product by the simple fact that it is not a copy or an interpretation of other ERP systems already established, offering a user experience and interaction far superior to the competition.

tiny.ERP solves many of the problems of digitalization and automation in a much more streamlined system.

Our product comes with many features and innovations:

  • it is hosted in the cloud, you have access to the platform whenever and wherever you want
  • simplifies and facilitates remote working
  • multiple role-based access

If we have caught your attention or aroused your curiosity give us a like, share or subscribe to one of our social media channels in the menu below to learn more about tiny.ERP. We will reveal more information about the project in the coming days.

logo tiny.ERP


We are going to release it
to the public shortly.

logo tiny.ERP


We are going to release it
to the public shortly.